Department of Languages, Literature, and Mass Communication Colorado Mesa University
1100 North Avenue
Grand Junction CO 81501
- Ph.D. Oklahoma State University, 2001 (Stillwater, Oklahoma)
- English Dissertation: Wintering at Mooltunya (original poetry and critical introduction)
- Director: Lisa Lewis Examination Subjects: Practical Poetics and Modern Literature in English
- M.F.A. Sarah Lawrence College, 1994 (Bronxville, New York)
- Creative Writing Thesis: A Clean, Black Line (original poetry)
- Director: Thomas Lux
- B.A. Oklahoma State University, 1992 (Stillwater, Oklahoma)
- English
Teaching Experience
August 2008-Present Assistant Professor of English, Colorado Mesa University (Grand Junction, CO)
- English 111: English Composition I / Honors English Composition I
- English 112: English Composition II / Honors English Composition II
- English 250: Introduction to Creative Writing
- English 262: Survey of American Literature II
- English 370: Major Authors (Plath and Rich)
- English 370: Major Authors (Virginia Woolf)
- English 382: Crafting Fiction
- English 388: Crafting Poetry
- English 423: Genre Studies (Prose Poetry and Flash Fiction) (Food Writing)
- English 436: American Lit 1945-Present
- English 438: Ethnic Lit in America
- English 492: Seminar in Writing
- English 494: Seminar in Literature (Postmodern Novel)
2007-2008 Associate Professor, Colorado Mountain College (Rifle, CO and Glenwood Springs, CO)
- ENGL 121: English Composition I
- ENGL 122: English Composition II
- ENGL 221: Creative Writing I
- LIT 201: Masterpieces of Literature I
- LIT 212: Survey of American Literature II
2003-2006 Visiting Assistant Professor, Illinois Wesleyan University (Bloomington, IL)
- ENGL 101: Introduction to Creative Writing
- ENGL 170: Special Topics in Literature:
- The Short Story
- Baseball as Literature
- Contemporary American Poetry
- ENGL 201: Fiction Writing
- ENGL 202: Poetry Writing
- ENGL 485: Senior Directed Study (Independent Study, Novel Writing)
2004 Teacher, Leysin American School (Leysin, Switzerland)
- High School Creative Writing
- College Essay Preparation for High School Students (IB Program)
2002 Instructor, University of Illinois at Springfield (Springfield, IL)
Abraham Lincoln and Leadership Summer Institute for Illinois High School Students
The Figure of Lincoln in American Poetry
2001-2003 Visiting Assistant Professor, Millikin University (Decatur, IL)
- EN 440: Senior Capstone / Independent Study (Novel Writing)
- EN 300: Advanced Creative Writing
- EN 366: Studies in Literary History / IN 250: Global and Non-Western Studies:
- Poetry, Politics, Prosperity: The Harlem Renaissance and the Talented Tenth
- Celtic and Political Influence on the Literature of the Irish Renaissance
- EN 201: Creative Writing
- EN 150: Approaches to Literature (Introduction to Critical Theory)
- IN 150: Critical Reading, Writing, and Research I(Composition I):
- The Search for Self in Landscape
- Contemporary Short Stories
- IN 151: Critical Reading, Writing, and Research II (Composition II):
- Plagues and Epidemics in the Western Tradition
- The Legacy of “Civil Disobedience”
- IN 151: Honors Freshman Research: Gender and Identity
- PACE: Adult Continuing Education (College Research Skills and Writing)
- Tutor: Millikin University Writing Center
1996-2001 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Oklahoma State University (Stillwater, OK)
- Engl 2513: Introduction to Creative Writing (General Education Credit/Fine Arts)
- Engl 1113: Freshman Composition I
- Engl 1213: Freshman Composition II
- Engl 2413: Introduction to Literature
1993-1994 Teaching Assistant/Research Assistant, Sarah Lawrence College (Bronxville, NY)
- Poetry Workshop
- Between Hurricanes. Lithic Press. Forthcoming 2015. Book of poetry.
- “Contingency Plan: Aquarium of the Americas” Crab Orchard Review, Summer 2015. Original poetry.
- “After the Rain, the Earth Smells Like a Mouth” Fruita Pulp, May 2014. Original poetry.
- “Childhood and its Rattlesnakes” Fruita Pulp, May 2014. Original poetry.
- “Mother My Worry Stone” Fruita Pulp, May 2014. Original poetry.
- “The Bigot’s Funeral” Crab Orchard Review, Summer/Fall 2013. Original poetry.
- “St. Mary’s Orphanage: Galveston Island, September 8, 1900” Crab Orchard Review, Summer/Fall 2013. Original poetry.
- Review of Wonder Cabinet by David Barber. American Book Review 27.6 (Sept/Oct 2006). Book review.
- “Prologue: Sandpipers” Ecotone, Spring 2005. Original poetry.
- “My Parents’ Old Acting Troupe, the Alpha Omega Players, Comes to Town,” Victory Park 3.1 (Spring/Summer 2000): 39-40. Original poetry.
- “First Kiss: Portuguese Man O’War,” (reprint) Poetry Daily (, January 4, 2000. Original poetry.
- “After Seeing Anne Sexton’s Checkbook in a Museum,” Victory Park 2.2 (Fall/Winter 1999): 43-44. Original poetry.
- “I Never Wanted to Say,” and “First Kiss: Portuguese Man O’War,” Third Coast 9 (Fall 1999): 11-13. Original poetry.
- “Hangi Feast: Rotorua, New Zealand,” Puerto del Sol 34.2 (Summer 1999): 66-67. Original poetry.
- “Echo Point, Blue Mountains,” Faultline 8 (1999): 82. Original poetry.
- “Wintering in Mooltunya,” The Spoon River Poetry Review 24.1 (Winter/Spring 1999): 16-17. Original poetry.
- “Bone Collector,” Quarterly West 47 (Autumn/Winter 1998-99): 158-59. Original poetry.
- “Driving Home,” The Antioch Review 53.2 (Spring 1995): 191. Original poetry.
- “Apologies to My Mother,” and “Baking,” New Plains Review 2.4 (Fall 1994): 52, 80. Original poetry.
- Original Poetry Reading, Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association National Conference (Boston, MA 2012)
- Original Poetry Reading, Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association National Conference (San Antonio, TX 2011)
- Original Poetry Reading. Rocky Mountain MLA Conference (Snowbird, UT 2009).
- “To Abstraction and Beyond!” and “The Magic of Metaphor”. Mesa State College Writing Conference (Grand Junction CO, 2009).
- Conference Attendee. The Associated Writers and Writing Programs Annual Conference (Chicago, IL 2009).
- “The Tarot Deck Poem.” Mesa State College Writing Conference (Grand Junction, CO 2006).
- “On Chapman’s Homer: The Challenges of Writing About Baseball Creatively.” Nine: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture Annual Spring Training Conference (Tucson, AZ 2006).
- Conference Attendee. Nine: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture Annual Spring Training Conference (Tucson, AZ 2005).
- “Energetic Editing for Poetry.” Tongue & Ink Undergraduate Writing Conference (Bloomington IL, 2005).
- “Using the Poetry Slam Format as Development for Workshop Evaluation Criteria.” Associated Writers and Writing Programs National Conference (Pedagogy Forum) (Chicago, IL 2004).
- “Confessions of a Modernist: Re-Reading Elizabeth Bishop Since the Publication of Her Letters.” Elizabeth Bishop: The Geographical Mirror. The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (December 1999).
- “From Troy to Marthatown: Sheri S. Tepper’s The Gate to Women’s Country.” Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association (Albuquerque, NM 1999).
- “Peter Weir’s Feminist Interpretation of The Year of Living Dangerously.” South Central Modern Language Association (Dallas, TX 1997).
- 2013-Present Faculty Advisor, CMU Association of Feminists
- 2013-Present LLMC Representative, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
- 2013-Present LLMC Representative, Student Showcase Conference Committee
- 2013-Present Coordinator, English Department Student Internships
- 2010-Present Co-Director, CMU High School Writers Conference
- 2010-Present Faculty Judge, The Literary Review Literary Awards
- 2009 Faculty Advisor, Black Student Alliance, Mesa State College
- 2009 Faculty Reader, The Literary Review
- 2007 Member, Scholarship Committee, CMC West Garfield
- 2007 CMC Representative for Literature Discipline, 2:2 Conference, Front Range Community College
- 2006 Poetry Reading / Faculty Talent Show (Honor Society Charity Event)
- 2006 Presenter, Faculty Workshop: “Conferencing With Students”
- 2005 Faculty Advisor, Tributaries (Illinois Wesleyan’s Undergraduate Literary Journal)
- 2004 Sigma Tau Delta Graduate School Panel, Illinois Wesleyan University
- 2002, 2003 Honors’ Day Interviews/Freshman Recruitment, Millikin University
- 2002, 2003 Judge, Millikin University Conant Awards: Creative Writing
- 2002-2003 English Department Curriculum & Advising Subcommittee, Millikin University
- 2002-2003 Faculty Academic Advisor, English Writing Majors, Millikin University
- 2001-2003 Faculty Grader, Scoring Sessions, Incoming Freshmen Placement Essays
- 2001-2003 Faculty Advisor, JMS Honors Projects (Bri Hill, Danielle LaSusa, Ryan Jones)
- 2001-2003 Faculty Advisor, Collage (Millikin University’s Undergraduate Literary Journal)
- 2001-2002 English Department Policies & Procedures Subcommittee, Millikin University
- 2001 Judge, Collage Writing Awards, Millikin University
- 2000 Co-Presenter, TA and Lecturer Orientation, Oklahoma State University “In-Class Writing Assignments”
- 2000 Teaching Assistant Mentor, Oklahoma State University
- 2009-Present Manuscript Reader, Poetry Book Contest, Pinyon Press
- 1999-2000 Editorial Intern, Crazyhorse.
- 1999-2000 Fiction Editor, Cimarron Review.
- 1997-1999 Poetry Editor, Cimarron Review.
- 1996-1998 Associate Editor, Cimarron Review.
- 1990-1992 Poetry Editor, Midland Review.
2014 Exemplary Faculty Award
2012 Finalist, Wabash Poetry Award (Sycamore Review)
2003 Appreciation & Achievement Award, Millikin University Office of Multicultural Affairs Student Roundtable
1999 Pushcart Prize Nomination, Editors of Third Coast
1998 Associated Writing Programs Intro Journals Project Award, Poetry
- 2010-Present Reader, CMU Poets and Writers Series
- 2012-Present WCWF Poetry Reading “Poetry on the Air” with KAFM
- 2012-Present Member, Western Colorado Writers’ Forum
- 2012 CMU Representative, Advisory Board for Western Colorado Writers’ Forum
- 2010 Guest Lecture on The Harlem Renaissance, Western Colorado Center for the Arts
- 2008-Present Poetry Reading, Poets & Writers of Colorado Mesa University Reading Series
- 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 Reader, College Board Advanced Placement Exams, Daytona, FL
- 2005 Poetry Reading, Bloomington, IL
- 2002 Judge, Springfield Area Arts Council City Arts Grants (Illinois Arts Council)
- 2002 Poetry Reading, Illinois College Writers Festival, Jacksonville, IL
- 2002 Poetry Reading, Highway 51 Poets Series, Decatur, IL
- 2000 Poetry Reading, Oklahoma State University
- 1999, 2000 Judge, Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute: Poetry Application Portfolios
- 1999 Guest Writer/Lecturer, Tulsa Summer Arts II
- 1997-2002 Archaic Windows, collaborative exhibit with serigraph artist Carolynne Whitefeather (original poetry and art):
- Art in Embassies Program, U.S. Department of State, 2000-2002.
- Gallery Ten, Scottsdale, Arizona, 2000.
- McCray Gallery, Western New Mexico University, 1999.
- Accent Art Gallery, Tallahassee, Florida, 1999.
- Corbett Center Art Gallery, New Mexico State University, 1998.
- Individual Artists of Oklahoma Gallery, Oklahoma City, 1998.
- Lightwell Gallery, University of Oklahoma, 1997.
- 1998-1999 President, Creative Writers Association, Oklahoma State University: Wrote funding proposals, co-organized student and faculty readings, and co-organized guest readings: Bret Lott and Louise Glück, among others.
- 1998 Poetry Reading, Oklahoma State University.
- 1998 Secretary, Australasian Film and Literature Panel. South Central Modern Language Association, New Orleans, LA.
- 1997-1998 Secretary, Creative Writers Association, Oklahoma State University.
- 1996 Napa Valley Writers’ Conference, Poetry. Jane Hirschfield, Instructor. Napa, CA.
- 1994 Counselor, Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute
- 1994 M.F.A. Thesis Reading, Sarah Lawrence College.
- 1994 Poetry Reading and Interview, The Bon Mot Show, KUNH, University of New Hampshire.
- 1992-1994 Graduate Poetry Assistant, Sarah Lawrence College: Wrote grant proposals, co-organized student and faculty readings, and co-organized guest readings: David St. John, Philip Levine, and Diane Wakoski, among others.